Glass Cocoons

an online exhibition 

In December, 2020, after months of callouts and art collection, Curators Samantha Hafey and Allira Violet launched the online exhibition titled in the same name as their film, 'Glass Cocoons'. Providing artist prompts and directing process, as well as curating and displaying the art through an interactive gallery, the exhibition was a promising display of the amazing creative expression released through Melbourne's lockdown periods. Under the right circumstances, Hafey and Violet would have hosted this exhibition in-person, and plan to explore options for the future - given the incredible response they received from artists. It was recommended to watch Glass Cocoons, the film, in conjunction with viewing the art.

The team

Meet curators Samantha Hafey and Allira Violet
Alongside editing by Bill Park and production management by Alana Dare, the team created a two-fold project, Glass Cocoons the exhibition and film. Hafey and Violet, with the support of Dare, called out for art from near and far over a digital collection platform throughout the months of lockdown, collecting, archiving and curating the exhibition - all the while, using the works as inspiration for their own performance pieces in the film.

A quick look at the gallery

Artists of work displayed (L-R): Eliana Nunez, Renee Baker

Artists of work displayed (L-R): Lily Thomson, Bill Park, Isadora Lauritz

Artists of work displayed (L-R): Kitty Rae (above), Joyce Liu (below), Dil Kaur

Artists of work displayed (L-R): Milky, Isadora Lauritz

Artists of work displayed (L-R): Ian Cormick

Artists of work displayed (L-R): Bill Park, Savana Wegman, Dil Kaur